
Podcasts That Push My Thinking

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I love learning about new ideas and am constantly searching for books, articles, and podcasts that will inspire me.  I get even more excited when I find materials that challenge my thinking and cause me to question.  Usually books are my go to, but lately, time has been a big constraint and I am finding it so much easier to fit podcasts into my on-the-go life. Here are just a few of my current favorite podcasts that touch on leadership, creativity, and education:

Revisionist History - Hosted by Malcolm Gladwell, Revisionist History revisits topics from the past.  Sometimes the podcast focuses on an idea, a person or an event.  I love the perspective that everything from the past deserves a second chance.

Modern Learners - Hosted by author and speaker, Will Richardson, Modern Learners examines the changing landscape of education.  I love the informal nature of this podcast, that leaves me thinking about big ideas in education with examples of schools actually making changes, not just talking about them.

Accidental Creative  - Hosted by Todd Henry, this podcast is full of inspiration for anyone who desires to work and live more creatively.  It is a weekly podcast full of tips and interviews from top thinkers, leaders, and artists.  I know Todd is also starting a new podcast called, Herding Tigers that is focused on leading a creative team.  I haven’t listened to them yet, but just subscribed and will be listening soon.

99% Invisible - If you see design everywhere, this is the podcast for you.  Hosted by Roman Mars, the weekly podcast focuses on all the thought that goes into the things we don’t actually think about.  After listening to this podcast, I guarantee you won’t look at many things the same way and may just start to notice new details of design in your own life.

This is Your Life - Michael Hyatt hosts this weekly dose of inspiration that will help you lead more intentionally.  Every episode contains questions, ideas, and actions that will help you discover ways to do more of what matters and less of what doesn’t.

What podcasts push your thinking?  I’d love to hear!

Let's #ShadowaStudent and #ShadowaTeacher


It’s time once again to #ShadowaStudent (runs February 19- March 2).  Shadow a Student was started by School Retool, a professional development fellowship supported by IDEO that helps school leaders redesign their school culture.  This is the 3rd consecutive year of this campaign, where over 5,000 educators have now cleared their calendars for the day and spent it immersed in the school lives of their students.  The goal is to use the information gained from the day to improve the learning experiences for students.

The first time I intentionally shadowed a student was on the first day of a new school year.  I thought it would be interesting to view the “back-to-school” excitement through the students’ eyes.  As a student I had participated in plenty of first days and yet, I was in no way prepared for the reality or the boredom of what I experienced.  I was shadowing an eighth grade student in a traditional middle school setting with a seven period day.  The welcome back excitement from the students arriving at school, carried into the first period class where there was a quick “get to know you activity” followed by rules, syllabus and expectations.  It was very teacher centric, with little engagement or participation from the students.  The class went by fairly quickly but then I realized I would likely be repeating this same class structure six more times in different content areas.  Ugh—my heart sank and by period four I was bored beyond belief.  I found it hard to muster enthusiasm in any of the classes.  What a perfect opportunity for a redesigned experience and one that, unless you look at it through the eyes of the student may not be apparent.

Shadowing a student is a very powerful experience, so powerful that it made me also think about the potential impact of shadowing a teacher.  What would it look like for school leaders, principals or assistant principals, to shadow a teacher for a day?  What might we learn?  Teachers can be critical of school leaders that we have forgotten what it is like to be in a classroom, maybe this would be a way to reconnect with the teaching experience.  Who’s in?  I’d love to hear about your experience whether you #ShadowaStudent or #ShadowaTeaccher!

Make sure to #shareyourlearning!

How Do We Harness the Collective Power of a Community?

See something, say something but then do something!

See something, say something but then do something!

It’s hard to move on from the events last week in Parkland, Florida where seventeen innocent lives were taken in yet another school shooting. It is even harder to understand how this happened.  In retrospect, people say there were concerns, they were warning signs.  Things were reported but nothing was ever done.  Of course the bigger issue is gun control, but since that isn’t a fight likely to be won anytime soon I can’t help but wonder how else might we come together to create a movement—a movement not just to end gun violence in our schools but a movement where parents and students voices are heard about changes that need to be made.  I am so proud of the students in Parkland who are speaking up and I hope more and more will follow suit.

Like many of us in schools, I straddle the work of working as an educator and being a parent of students in school. Last week, I received an email from our elementary school principal that was meant to reassure parents about the safety of our school.  He outlined the steps being taken in Los Angeles Unified School District and asked us to work together as a community with the “See something, Say something” campaign. While I am hopeful this will make a difference community-wide, I am also concerned by the complete hypocrisy of this campaign. I fear it is a campaign that makes for great media sound bites, yet translates into little or no action on behalf of our students.  It got me thinking about the partnerships between parents and schools and why so many parents are frustrated after getting involved, trying to make change without achieving results.

Let’s take the “See something, Say something” campaign as an example.  Here LAUSD is actively encouraging parents to speak up when they see something amiss at their campus, yet below are just two examples of recent times parents at our campus alone have spoken up repeatedly with NO follow-up action on behalf of anyone at LAUSD:

  • Beyond the Bell: Our school runs an after school program for students in grades 2-5. Students are free to play on the yard after school and parents are promised a safe and supervised after school experience for their students.  Yet, repeatedly parents have complained that “Beyond the Bell” is unsafe.  The school yard gate is unlocked and unsupervised, anyone is free to come and go as they please. The one paid supervisor sits on the far side of the playground where there is shade and pays little to no attention to any adults that walk on campus, let alone the students in their care.

  • School Wide PE Program: Our school fundraises to employ an additional PE coach to provide our students with the required 110 minutes of weekly PE.  Over the years, our community has expressed concerns regarding the inappropriateness of our coach's comments to kids (comments made to girls, “If you want to win, make sure to pick boys on your team.” or comments made to boys, “Don’t run like a girl.”) to the inappropriateness of the PE Curriculum (kindergarten students doing push-ups on the blacktop for PE) yet there is little to no improvement.  In fact, recently parents spoke up, followed all of the appropriate channels speaking with our principal and Governing Council parent representatives only to have the teachers at Governing Council essentially squash any concerns with an enthusiastic, “Our PE program is great” commentary.  Nothing has ever been investigated, nor will it.

While the ineffectiveness of our PE program and the safety of Beyond the Bell, are concerns in our parent community, it has left me more concerned by the process available to parents to raise concerns at their public schools. What options do parents have available to them when their concerns are ignored?

Are parent concerns of value? If so, why are so many of the concerns ignored?  When raised concerns are ignored, it creates a culture of apathy towards school.  I have met parents with concerns who have their youngest student going through elementary tell me, “We tried to effect change the first time through and now we are just trying to get by, we only have x number of years left.”   Just today I received an email from a very involved parent disheartened that the school is not willing to meet the needs of her advanced student, “I have done everything in my power to effect change.  I will probably just write a letter with a few parent signatures and ask for it to be read at Governing Council.  Then I think that’s likely the end of the road for me.  I just don’t have the bandwidth to take this on as a project… and question the benefits of doing so, anyway.”  

I consider myself fortunate to live in a community where parents have the time and resources to push for change and yet even in these communities parents are being silenced.  What about communities who do not have these resources?  Perhaps parents everywhere end up in the same place, unable to push for changes desired for students.

If schools are going to start promoting “See something, Say something”  campaigns, than schools have to be prepared to show that it matters when parents do speak up. Parents have concerns. Parents  are speaking up and in many cases are being ignored. Over and over again.  Schools can not ignore parent concerns daily, and then expect parents to believe they would honor their concerns in regards to a school shooting. The inaction is contributing to a culture of apathy among parents and is protecting mediocrity in our schools.

If we believe parents should, “See Something, Say Something” what should they expect when they do speak up? How will schools make sure voices of students and parents are heard?

There is power in a collective conversation where our children, parents, teachers and leaders all come together to voice concerns, listen to each other and do something to create the change we all want. Let’s start the conversation. “See Something, Say Something” is a start but then we have to “Do Something.”

What's on My Design Thinking Bookshelf?


When working with school leaders, I frequently get asked for my top Design Thinking book recommendations.  Whether you are looking to learn more about design thinking yourself or engage your staff in a collective book read, these are my (current) top ten recommendations to get you started:

  1. Creative Confidence, Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All, by Tom & David Kelley.  This book is written for everyone who wants to get in touch with their inner creative spirit.  Filled with practical exercises and stories it makes for an excellent group book read. 

  2. Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations & Inspires Innovation, by Tim Brown.   This book provides a fantastic overview of design thinking and methods. This book is written in a way that makes Design Thinking accessible to any leader who wants to infuse the strategies into their organization.

  3. Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization, by Tom Kelley.  If you have ever been annoyed by the “devil’s advocate” in meetings this book provides a remedy...ten in fact.  Over the years, IDEO has developed roles people can play to foster new ideas.  Anthropologist, Cross-Pollinator, and Hurdler are just three of the roles to explore.

  4. Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy, by Dev Patnaik.  Wired to Care is full of stories about people and companies who have achieved great success using empathy as their platform for change proving that people are really “wired to care.”

  5. Designing your Life, How to Live a Well Lived, Joyful Life, by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans.  This book takes Design Thinking mindsets and tools and helps you apply them to designing your life.  It is an empowering book that will allow you to experience the power of design thinking on a very personal level.

  6. The Art of Innovation, by Tom Kelley.  This book is a behind the scenes look at the problem-solving process used in IDEO.  Kelley shares both success stories and failures using the process which can help any organization aspiring to be more creative in their approach to problems.

  7. Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work, by Nigel Cross. This book digs deep into the habits and mindsets of designers.  Cross help demystify design ability.

  8. Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, by Austin Kleon. While not a book directly on design thinking, Kleon explores the notion that everyone is creative.  You don’t need to be a genius, you just need to be yourself.  Fun, inspiring and practical advice for everyone.

  9. Design Thinking for the Greater Good: Innovation in the Social Sector, by Jeanne Liedtka, Randy Salzman & Daisy Azer.   Thus far most books on design thinking focus on the how-to and results within the business world.  Design Thinking for the Greater Good looks at the potential impact in the social sector.  Ten stories of change are told in fields such as healthcare, education and social services showing how design thinking strategies can work in heavily bureaucratic organizations.

  10. Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers, by Jeanne Liedtka & Tim Ogilvie.   This book serves as a very practical handbook for leaders looking to use design thinking. Filled with strategies and tools, it is an action-oriented read.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of books on Design Thinking, but will certainly get you started. What books make your top ten list?  I’m always looking for recommendations.  If you are looking for a book that explores the intersection of design thinking and school leadership, we may have just the book coming for you.  Design Thinking for School Leaders: 5 Roles & Mindsets That Ignite Positive Change will be published in May of this year!  Stay connected to get information on the book launch.

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

3 Ways to Grow Your Tribe

3 Ways to Grow Your Tribe

“I feel stuck at work,” I moaned to my husband, my mom, my sister…. really to anyone who would listen.  I’m not a complainer and yet I found myself complaining about my inability to move forward leading my elementary school staff. I was a young principal, new to the school district and while I had an idea of how I wanted to lead I felt stuck in changing the mold of school leaders in my district. I attended our weekly district “Administrative Council” meeting attended by all senior leadership and every week I heard the song from Sesame Street run through my head (cue music).

“One of these sounds is not like the others, One of these sounds doesn't belong, Can you tell which sound is not like the others by the time I finish my song?”

I can tell you who didn’t feel like they belonged...me!  As I looked around the table I knew I had a lot to learn from my colleagues and their collective experience, yet I also knew that this was not going to be the peer group that held me to my highest standard.  I had to take responsibility for creating my own peer group. Whether we like it or not, we are greatly influenced by those we spend time with. If Jim Rohn is correct in stating, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” I had to act quick. I wasn’t spending time with leaders I wanted to emulate.

I tested out a lot of ideas, but here are the three strategies that I found most successful:

  1. Less Like_____More Like____:  Get clear on the type of leader you aspire to become.  One exercise is to create a “Less like________, More Like __________” t-chart.  I knew I wanted to be less like the principal of Rydell High in Grease (a strict, but out completely out of touch leader) and more like the character Po in Kung-Fu Panda (Po is called upon to lead, has a confidence crisis but then realizes the power is in creating a team of committed, excited & powerful pandas), less like leaders who always start with answers and more like leaders who start with possibilities asking “What if?”  You get the idea, try it.

  2. Act Like a Detective - If you know the type of leader you want to become, you can find others leaders like this (whether online or in person) and do your research.  Investigate what they are reading, what conferences they are attending, and how they are keeping current.  I wanted to learn how to lead more creatively, so I ditched my go-to learning conferences for a year and sought out new ones. I hung out more at the d. School, attended SXSWedu and helped create a new conversation/community on Twitter (if you haven’t yet checked out #dtk12chat do yourself a favor and stop by for the weekly twitter chat which happens every Wednesday night at 6 pm PST).

  3. Get Out of Your Lane- Don’t limit yourself to educational leaders.  Learn from artists, scientists, CEOs, designers, futurists, and entrepreneurs.  If you work in public schools, connect with an independent school leader and vice-versa—you have more in common than you think. When we stay “in our lane” we run the risk of stagnation as we aren’t pushed in new directions.  Embrace the notion of radical collaboration and start talking to strangers.

It took time, but I found a tribe of educational leaders who inspire, challenge and support me. My tribe is constantly evolving and changing as I continue to evolve and change. Once I created my peer group, it wasn’t as painful to attend my weekly district meetings.  In fact, I even stopped hearing that song. Who is your peer group that holds you to a higher standard? I’d love to hear how you intentionally create your tribe.